
JUDr. DAVID ŘEZNÍČEK, LL.M., Ph.D., attorney at law 

Attorney-at-law, partner and university lecturer. At the Faculty of Law of Charles University he obtained the degrees of iuris doctoris (JUDr.) and doctor (Ph.D.) in the fields of Private International Law and International Trade Law, where he successfully defended his dissertation on Institutional International Commercial Arbitration. As an independent arbitrator, he has arbitrated disputes before PRIAC, the Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic and under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. He is an active arbitrator registered on the list of the International Court of Arbitration in Prague at the Czech-Moravian Commodity Exchange Kladno (PRIAC), where he is also appointed by the Stock Exchange Chamber as a member of the presidium, and on the list of KIA - Kazakhstani International Arbitration. He has lectured or still lectures at the Faculty of Management at the University of Economics in Prague, at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Education at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. He has presented his active contributions at a number of important international and domestic scientific conferences. He has served on the statutory bodies and supervisory boards of a number of major companies. He is the author or co-author of several dozen scientific articles and papers. He focuses on corporate law, acquisitions, due diligence, commercial obligations, real estate law, health law, arbitration and litigation.

Curriculum vitae


JUDr. Josef Richtr, advokát 


doc. JUDr. Dr. Jan Hejda

He is a university professor (University of Economics Prague, Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec), and at the same time a visiting lecturer at universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. He belongs to several important scientific and professional societies, union boards, editorial boards of professional peer-reviewed journals, and he is an author or a co-author of dozens of professional publications, monographs, and scientific articles. As such he is often quoted by both domestic and foreign authors. He engages in lecturing and pedagogy but also in practical activities in the area of private and public law, and specializes in civil, administrative, labor, and criminal law, criminalistics, criminology, and human resource management and motivation.


JUDr. Eduard Řezníček, counsel 


JUDr. Daniela Mašková 


Mgr. Kamila Kovačič 


Mgr. Alena Hejná 


Mgr. Lukáš Beer 


Mgr. Jakub Souhrada 


Bc. Zdeňka Vlková 


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